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Containerized Workloads - Requirements Specification

  • Author(s): @eladb
  • Submission Date: 2023-10-01
  • Stage: Proposal
  • Stage Date: 2023-10-01

This specification lists the requirements we have identified so far that are related to using containers to implement long running workloads (aka "services" or "microservices").


Requirements are marked with a Reqtag so they will be easy to trace in subsequent design documents. Suggested priorities are marked inline as "(P1)", "(P2)" or "(P3)".

Containerized workloads (P1)

Reqtag: c:workload

A "workload" describes a unit of scalable deployment. It can be mapped to a Kubernetes Deployment

  • Service (and maybe Ingress), or to ECS's "task" (or task definition) or's "Mßachine" or ControlPlane's "Workload".

Wing should support defining containerized workloads implemented through user-defined container images. Images may either be pulled from a container registry or built from a Dockerfile within the project directory.

NOTE: This RFC focuses on

Simulator implementation (P1)

Reqtag: c:simulator

When using Docker images, the Wing simulator will need to take care of seamlessly building and/or pulling the container image and maintaining it's lifecycle and cleanup via a local docker installation.

If docker is not installed or there is a problem pulling an image from an external registry, an error should provide useful instructions on how to install it.

Hot reloading for fast local iteration (P1)

Reqtag: c:hot-reloading

When developing a Wing application which references a locally defined container image, we would like to support live updates which to instantly reload the program when the image source changes. This might require Wing to have a more intimate understanding of the anatomy of the build process of the image.

Implementation Note: Rebuilding the image every time will likely not be good enough and some kind of live update solution will be needed. An example of such a mechanism can be found in Tilt. Similar to Tilt's live_update clause, this will likely require additional information such as where the code resides inside the container and how to build it.

Local debugging (P2)

Reqtag: c:debugging

It should be possible to attach a debugger to a containerized workload (P2).

Building images in wing compile (P1)

Reqtag: c:building

When referencing a local container image, wing compile should take care of building the image using docker build.

Implementation Note: Our implementation should make sure that we leverage caching as much as possible to ensure we avoid building new docker images if not needed. This could leverage docker's built in cache or a source-based hash mechanism.

Publishing images during deployment (P1)

Reqtag: c:publishing

During deployment, the image needs to be pushed into a container registry (e.g. Docker Hub or ECR or any other registry) and the latest image address wired up the to the IaC configuration.

This flow can wildly vary for different platforms (e.g. some organizations might prefer to use a separate deployment system to publish images), but for the Terraform-based platforms (such as tf-aws), we should treat this like we treat publishing an AWS Lambda zip archives to an S3 bucket during deployment. Platform providers will need to explore a variety of configuration options to control this behavior (P2).

We might be able to leverage the Docker provider for Terraform with the approach suggested here to push the image during deployment to a container registry.

Implementation Note: Design the publishing mechanism with heavy hash-based caching in mind so that both wing compile and the Terraform image publishing step will be no-op if the container image hasn't changed.

Workload runtime environment

Reqtag: c:environment

It should be possible to configure the runtime environment of the containers.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of capabilities we will need to support:

  • Expose network ports of various types (http, http2, grpc, ??) (P1)
  • Command line arguments to pass to the container (P1)
  • Environment variables (P1)
  • Entrypoint command to override (if you wish to use a pre-built container image and just change the entrypoint) (P1)
  • CPU and memory requirements (in some normalized model such as vCPUs, GBs) (P2)
  • GPUs (P2)
  • Liveness probe (P1)
  • Readiness probe (P1)
  • Sidecar containers (P2)
  • Volumes (P2)
  • etc...

Additional work is required to determine the correct surface area for this API. We recommend to try and identify the common denominator across multiple container-based platforms such as Kubernetes Deployment + Service, ECS,, ControlPlane, Porter, etc.

API endpoints (P1)

Reqtag: c:endpoints

Users must be able to define path-based routing rules so that requests will be routed to the workload.

Common underlying providers for this are the various Application Load Balancers which are usually configured via Kubernetes ingress rules.

Cloud implementations

Reqtag: c:backends

Wing platform providers should be able to use one of these container orchestration systems as a backend to run containerized workloads:

  1. EKS/GKE/AKS (P1)
  2. ECS (P2)
  3. Helm (basically Kubernetes Deployment, Service and Ingress resources)
  5. ControlPlane

NOTE: We are prioritizing the Kubernetes solutions given the popularity of Kubernetes in the industry and the ability to reuse some of the logic across cloud providers. There will be variance both in how the clusters are provisioned and likely some additional tweaks to the Kubernetes manifests themselves. We want to tackle these challenges early given it will take time to stabilize our implementations and get it to production-grade.


Reqtag: c:cluster

When using Kubernetes, the default behavior for tf-aws should be to create a dedicated EKS cluster for each app (P1).

In production environments we expect that multiple applications will be deployed into a single Kubernetes cluster (e.g. on AWS, a single EKS cluster will host multiple applications), so it should be possible to configure the tf-aws platform (using a values file for example) to point to an existing EKS cluster. In this case, the Wing Terraform output will only apply the manifest into this cluster (and not provision the EKS cluster itself).


Reqtag: c:autoscaling

It should be possible to define autoscaling parameters for a workload.

Further research is needed to determine the desired degrees of freedom and default behavior. Ideally the default should "just work" and scale up and down elastically based on best practices and common metrics.

Preflight object bindings

Reqtag: c:bindings

Containers should be able to interact with Wing preflight objects through their inflight APIs (similarly to how inflight closures can invoke inflight APIs of captured preflight objects). Since the Winglang compiler cannot infer this automatically, we will need an API for explicitly specifying these bindings.

We will also need a way for the code inside the container to be able to connect to the relevant inflight client instance and interact with the object.

We can decompose this requirement into four:

  1. Call non-Wing services using native clients (P1) (e.g. use the Redis client in Go to interact with a Redis resource). In this case, the code inside the container just uses a native client to interact with the cloud resource but we need a way to give the container the right connection string in order to be able to work across simulator and the cloud (in this case we don't have an abstraction for the resource).
  2. Call Wing SDK clients from within a TypeScript/JavaScript container (P1). This means that the inflight client JavaScript code will need to be injected into the container during build, but the container code can just import the @winglang/sdk type definitions.
  3. Call any SDK and user-defined Wing inflight API from TypeScript/JavaScript (P2). This means that we will need to inject the inflight client of Wing classes into the container during build and somehow emit typescript type definitions for development (another reason why the Wing compile needs to perform the build).
  4. Call any Wing inflight API from other languages (P3): this is lower priority for now given the technical complexity but it would be healthy to start thinking about the path forward here. This could also be a multi-phased project where we start with something like a sidecar/child process (with generated client bindings) and then compile our inflight clients to WebAssembly when the ecosystem is mature enough (currently there is no AWS SDK for WebAssembly).

The bindings APIs will need to also allow the user to specify the qualification of the bind (e.g. the permission requirements) so that the relevant permissions can be created.

Implementation for cloud.Service (P1)

Reqtag: c:cloud-service

The cloud.Service resource exposes an API to implement a long running workload through a simple inflight closure:

new cloud.Service(inflight () => {
log("service started");
return () => {
log("service stopped");

This resource currently only has a simulator implementation. It bundles the inflight closure into a Node.js program and runs it within a sandbox. We currently don't have a cloud implementation for this resource, which is obviously a major gap.

Once we have support for containerized workloads, it should be possible to implement this resource by synthesizing a Node.js docker image with the inflight closure code and a small wrapper (which invokes the start/stop callbacks), and pass it this image to the container workload resource. Technically we would be able to remove the simulator implementation at that moment, because the simulator implementation of the container should be sufficient.

This will also allow us to extend the cloud.Service API and support the various container capabilities such as exposing ports and adding API routes.

Implementation for ex.Redis, ex.DynamoDb (P2)

Reqtag: c:ex-redis

We will also be able to implement other simulated resources such as ex.Redis and ex.DynamoDb using this new API and remove the duplicated container-management code from them.

Design Notes

This section includes a few notes related to the design and implementation of these requirements. Consider them recommendations and pointers for the next phase of this project.

SDK resources

I would recommend implementing this as a single "monolithic" resource called cloud.Workload which will expose all of the features described in this spec. This will produce a rich model for containerized workloads that will enable a powerful local implementation but also a high degree of control when implementing platform providers.

I am not sure exactly what's the best way to model routing rules. One option could be to simply add an API such as workload.addRoute("/foo"), which is not very different from specifying an ingress rule in Kubernetes.

Wing as a build system

The requirement to support building and hot reloading of containers also exists in other use cases such as web applications and serverless functions implemented using non-Wing stacks. Basically every time Wing needs to use some external build artifact.

This means that Wing needs to intimately understand the build process of the project. It needs to understand the relationship between the Dockerfile and its source code (and invalidate the it as needed both in "build" and in "watch"), and the same thing for a web application.

It might make sense to think about this as a more general purpose dependency graph (similar to how Tilt is implemented) where nodes can be invalidated either in a "watch" mode or during compilation and their consumers are invalidated accordingly.

Practically, we will need to think of the Wing preflight phase as the build phase of the project and model our build within the Wing codebase instead of outside.