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Wing Cloud Preview Environments

  • Author(s): @ainvoner, @skyrpex
  • Submission Date: 2023-08-03
  • Stage: Proposal
  • Stage Date: 2023-08-03

This document describes an MVP for the first Wing Cloud product - Wing Cloud Preview Environments.


Preview Environments are the first feature of Wing Cloud. It will also be the first production grade product written in Wing language.


Wing Cloud users can build and deploy Wing applications to an ephemeral environment that uses the Wing Simulator platform, and use the Wing Console UI to interact with it. Once a preview environment is created, tests will be executed automatically and the results will be available in the preview environment dedicated comment in GitHub. Each preview environment will have a unique URL which enable developers to work together and share with external customers as needed.

Wing Cloud will be integrated with GitHub.

Wing Cloud User Experience

to Wing Cloud (#1)

  1. On website click on sign in.
  2. Authenticate using your GitHub account.
  3. After signing in, you will be redirected to

Redirect to sign-in process from a Preview Environment URL (#2)

  1. If you try to access a preview environment URL while you are not signed in to Wing Cloud (from the PR comment for example), you will be temporarily redirected to the Wing Cloud sign-in flow.
  2. Once singed in, you will be redirected back to the preview environment URL.

Wing Cloud Dashboard for Signed-In Users (#3)

  1. Once signed in, you will be able to navigate directly to
  2. You can see and manage all your projects and teams.
  3. Select the project you are currently working on from the projects menu to see all preview environments associated with it.
  4. In order to see a preview environment, just click on the preview environment URL from the list of your preview environments.
  5. For each preview environment, you can see the deployment logs and the test results and logs.

Create a new personal Project (#4)

  1. To create a new project, click on "New Project" under "Personal Account".
  2. Choose between the GitHub repositories that you have access to.
  3. Define your secret values / Environment variables.
  4. Make sure there's a main.w or a *.main.w file in the root of the repository.
  5. Click on "Deploy".
  6. You'll be redirected to your new project's page (

Create a new Team (#5)

  1. Click on "New Team".
  2. Write a team name.
  3. Optionally, invite other Wing Cloud users to the team (by GitHub user ID).

Create a new team Project (#6)

  1. Click on "New Project" under the team of your choice.
  2. Choose between the GitHub repositories that you have access to.
  3. Define your secret values.
  4. Make sure there's a main.w or a *.main.w file in the root of the repository.
  5. Click on "Deploy".
  6. You'll be redirected to your new project's page (

Preview Environment for production branch (#7)

For the repository production branch, there is a single preview environment that will constantly be up-to-date with the latest code committed. A link to the preview environment is available in the repository main page ("About" section). Production branch environment url structure is: Once the installation of the Wing Cloud application is completed, an initial preview environment will be created and will be available in the repository main page.

Preview Environments for Pull Requests (#8)

Upon each creation of a pull request an automatic comment will be added to the PR and will guide the developer to a dedicated preview environment. Provide a streamlined process for updating a pull request preview environment, each commit to a PR will redeploy the preview environment and will also:

  1. Provide a real-time build, tests and deployment status updates
  2. While the preview environment is being updated, the user that is currently using the environment will be notified and will be able to refresh the page to get the latest changes.
  3. Ensure a consistent and unique url for each preview environment. The url structure: (account is a <user> or a <team>)
  4. Provide the ability to download the preview environment deployment logs for debugging purposes in case of failure, logs urls structure is:

PR comment example (only one entry point will be supported):

Entry PointStatusPreviewTestsUpdated (UTC)
main.w✅ Ready (logs)Visit Previewsanity
Jul 31, 2023 8:01am
failed.main.w❌ Failed (logs)Jul 31, 2023 8:01am
building.main.w🔄 Building (logs)Jul 31, 2023 8:01am
stale.main.w⏸️ Stale (lean more)Jul 31, 2023 8:01am

Preview Environment Environment Variables (Secrets) (#9)

The project management dashboard will include a section to manage the secrets of the project. These secrets will be available during the Wing compilation.

Run Tests Automatically Upon PR Creation and Commits (#10)

Upon PR creation and commits, Wing Cloud Preview Environments will automatically run all tests defined for the entry point. For each test run, a new simulator instance will be created and will be destroyed upon test completion. The test results will be available in the PR comment with links to the tests logs (<test-name>)

Running Tests Manually From Wing Console (#11)

Running tests on your environment is easy using the Wing Console tests UI. Each test will reload the simulator to create a clean environment.

Once the test is over it will not clean up the simulator data, so you can debug the environment and share outputs with your teammates.

Access application endpoints from the Wing Console (#12)

Users will be able to access the applications' public endpoints such as APIs and web pages.

User-Controlled Environments termination (#13)

Closing a PR will terminate the corresponding preview environments. The PR comment will indicate the termination of each preview environment and the URLs won't be valid anymore.

Environments Self-Cleaning Mechanism (#14)

To ensure efficient resource utilization:

  1. Preview environments associated with stale PRs (without access or commits for over 10 days) will automatically deactivate.
  2. The PR's preview environment comment will indicate its inactive status.
  3. Changes in code will trigger redeployment for all related preview environments in this PR.

Analytics and Logs (#15)

To improve the product we are collecting data and monitoring the system.

  1. We collect preview environments usage analytics only. We won't collect anything about your code and project.
  2. OpenTelemetry is used for collecting metrics, logs, traces.
  3. Datadog is used for monitoring the system.

Documentation (#16)

Developers reading our docs can easily sign up to Wing Cloud and start using its Preview Environments feature in their repository. In our docs we have the following information:

  1. What is Wing Cloud Preview Environments
  2. Getting started instructions
  3. How can I configure multiple entry points
  4. Populate environment with initial data
  5. Running tests

Security (#17)

  1. Preview environments shouldn’t be able to access files from other preview environments.
  2. Only Wing Cloud signed up developers with access to the repository can view preview environments created for this repository.


  1. password protected preview environments.

  2. wing configuration file support. (for stating a specific wing version, entry points, etc.)

  3. update PR comment with tests results triggered from the console.

  4. enable preview environments viewers to add comments in the environment.

  5. populate Environment with Initial Data

  6. Allow users to define specific environment machine type / configuration (cpu, memory, etc.)

  7. Support multiple entry points in a single PR:

    There is a support for multiple entry points in a single PR. Every main.w and *.main.w file in the repository will be considered as an entry point and will have a dedicated preview environment. All preview environments will be available in the PR comment and will be updated upon code changes.

Technical Details

Entity Relationship Diagram

User ||--0+ RoleAssignment : has
RoleAssignment 1+--|| Team : has
User o|--0+ Project : owns
Team o|--0+ Project : owns
User {
UserId userId
string githubUserId
string name
string email
RoleAssignment {
UserId userId
string roleType
Project {
ProjectId projectId
UserIdOrTeamId accountId
string name
string githubRepoId
string wingEntrypoint
map environmentVariables
Team {
TeamId teamId
string name
Environment {
EnvironmentId environmentId
ProjectId projectId
string branch
string url
string status
Project ||--0+ Environment : has


RoleManage ProjectsManage UsersManage BillingManage SettingsView ProjectsView UsersView BillingView SettingsView Preview Environments


  • Only an owner can delete a team
  • The billing details will be visible to all members but will be mangled (ex, only the last 4 digits of the credit card will be visible)


High Level Architecture

  • A GitHub app
  • A Cloud.Function that will be triggered by GitHub events, such as pull_request.synchronize or pull_request.closed
  • A account to deploy the preview environments
  • A Cloud.Table to store different data
  • A Cloud.Bucket to store the deployment logs and test logs
  • A Cloud.Scheduler to run the self-cleaning mechanism
  • Wing Cloud web app will serve the console web application and use console servers run on machine

Wing Cloud website

The website will be a React app. Astro can be used on top of it to provide the static parts of the web.


  1. When a user sign in we will save their GitHub account details in the database
  2. The website will use a secure HTTP-only cookie that safely encodes a JWT containing the Wing Cloud user ID
  3. Every interaction with the Wing Cloud will be through an API. Any request to the API will be authenticated using this cookie. The API will then use the user ID to check if the user has the necessary permissions to perform the action
    • Additional security measures will be taken to prevent CSRF attacks


  1. Only signed-in users will be available to navigate to preview environments. Wing Cloud will check the user permissions to the project and will allow access only to users that are members of the project.

Authentication for Preview Environment Server

  1. When a user visits, a JWT will be generated from the backend of Wing Cloud
  2. The JWT will hold project ID, and the Preview Environment Server will check this token for a match in project ID

Sign Up and Sign In

We can use the GitHub app as an OAuth provider for Wing Cloud. A set of pages will be needed:

sequenceDiagram>>Wing Cloud Platform GitHub App: Redirect
Wing Cloud Platform GitHub App-->>Wing Cloud Platform GitHub App: Login to GitHub
Wing Cloud Platform GitHub App-->> Redirect (with some tokens)>> Generate a new user ID on our tables, if it doesn't exist>> Exchange tokens and encode them in a cookie for Redirect (now with the authenticated cookie)

Important Note: Since we don't ask for information during the sign-up process, both the sign-up and sign in flows are the same.

Processing GitHub Events

A Cloud.Function will listen to GitHub events and will process them. Based on the event, the function will create, update or delete preview environments on Flyio.

graph LR
ghapp>GitHub App]
fn[Process Events Fn]
gh -- Integration --> ghapp
ghapp -- Events --> fn
fn -- Create Preview Environment --> flyio
fn -- Update Preview Environment --> flyio
fn -- Delete Preview Environment --> flyio

Depending on whether GitHub retries events or not, we may want to include a FIFO queue in the middle.

graph LR
ghapp>GitHub App]
fn[Process Events Fn]
queue[(Events Queue)]
fn2[Enqueue Events Fn]
ghapp -- Events --> fn2
fn2 --> queue
queue --> fn
gh -- Integration --> ghapp
fn --> rest[...]

The probot npm package will take care of ensuring the events received are legitimate.

Creating Preview Environments

When a GitHub event pull_request.opened is received, we will look for all of the projects that use the GitHub repository mentioned in the event. For every project, we will create a new Preview Environment.

  • We will use the Flyio API to create new project/container(s) and deploy the app code (the Flyio specifics may change)
  • Project secrets will be retrieved and passed to the Flyio container

Each preview environment will have a dedicated route (path) in

During this process, we will create new entries in the Cloud.Table that represent our Preview Environment entities. They'll contain the Flyio project ID and URL, the GitHub PR ID or branch, and whatever unique IDs we generate for every environment.

A special comment will be added to the PR with the list of preview environments and their status. The comment will be updated as the preview environments are created and updated.

Preview Environment Environment Variables (Secrets)

The secrets will be stored in the Cloud.Table and will be injected into the preview environment during the build process.

The secrets in the Cloud.Table will be encrypted using a key stored using a Cloud.Secret.

In the future, we could detect which secrets are necessary for the app to work.

Updating Preview Environments

When a GitHub event pull_request.synchronize is received, we will look for all of the projects will use the GitHub repository mentioned in the event.

The entries in the Cloud.Table will be updated to update the last time the preview environment was updated.

The special comment in the PR will be updated accordingly.

Deleting Preview Environments

When a GitHub event pull_request.closed is received, we will stop every Flyio project associated with the PR. We will also update the entries in the Cloud.Table to reflect this status.

The special comment in the PR will be updated accordingly.

Deleting Stale Environments

A scheduler will run periodically and will delete stale environments (in a process similar to the one above).

graph LR
fn[Clean Stale Environments Fn]
scheduler -- On Tick --> fn
fn -- Delete Preview Environment --> flyio

Updating the status of a Preview Environment

The Flyio containers that hold the user apps may take some time to spin up. A few seconds may pass before the console app is even running. If that's the case, we'll need a mechanism to store these different statuses.

A simple solution would be to enable the Flyio containers to ping Wing Cloud (using a simple JWT). These pings may contain the current status information (ex, status=loading, status=live).