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The Wing CLI is distributed via npm:

npm install -g winglang

Verify your installation:

wing -V

IDE Extension

Wing has extended support for two IDEs. They provide syntax highlighting, completions, go-to-definition, etc. and embedded Wing Console support:

To use Wing in other IDEs, there are a few tools available to help:

Create your project

First let's create an empty directory for your project:

mkdir hello-wing
cd hello-wing

You can use the CLI to bootstrap a new project: Use the new command and then modify main.w to have the following:

wing new empty
bring cloud;

// define a queue, a bucket and a counter
let bucket = new cloud.Bucket();
let counter = new cloud.Counter(initial: 1);
let queue = new cloud.Queue();

// When a message is received in the queue it should be consumed
// by the following closure
queue.setConsumer(inflight (message: str) => {
// Increment the distributed counter, the index variable will
// store the value prior to the increment
let index =;
// Once two messages are pushed to the queue, e.g. "Wing" and "Queue".
// Two files will be created:
// - wing-1.txt with "Hello Wing"
// - wing-2.txt with "Hello Queue"
bucket.put("wing-{index}.txt", "Hello, {message}");
log("file wing-{index}.txt created");
Experimental TypeScript Support

If you'd like to use TypeScript instead of winglang, you can add the --language ts flag when creating a new project:

wing new empty --language ts

Then modify main.ts to have the following, equivalent to the above winglang code:

import { main, cloud, lift } from "@wingcloud/framework";

main((root) => {
const bucket = new cloud.Bucket(root, "Bucket");
const counter = new cloud.Counter(root, "Counter");
const queue = new cloud.Queue(root, "Queue");

lift({ bucket, counter }).inflight(async ({ bucket, counter }, message) => {
const index = await;
await bucket.put(`wing-${index}.txt`, `Hello, ${message}`);
console.log(`file wing-${index}.txt created`);

The rest of the starting guide will be the same! See here for more information on using TypeScript with Wing.

Here we defined a queue and a counter. Every time a message is added to the queue, a handler is triggered and creates a file named wing-{counter-index}.txt with the content "Hello, {message}!", and the counter is incremented by 1.

Now that we've written this program, let's run and test it using the Wing Console.